Residential NFPA 13D Sprinkler System Pump Live Burn Test
A few weeks ago Mike Faustina from the Centre Region Code Administration in Pennsylvania stopped by to give us a live burn demonstration of a residential fire sprinkler system using the NFPA 13D Econo RFP System that we donated to them. The traveling demonstration system, used to promote residential fire protection systems across Pennsylvania, uses a General Air Products Econo RFP NFPA 13D pumping system hooked up to one of our tanks to put the fire out. In the video below, watch how fast our 13D pump goes into action from when the sprinkler head is tripped.
Some important things to note while watching the video: First, notice how much the fire spreads in just a few seconds – so fast it’s scary! Mike says that most of the calls fire houses receive from homes that have been sprinklered are already extinguished by the time the firefighters arrive on the scene. This means that the lives of those in the house have been saved and the risk to the lives of the firefighters has been significantly minimized. Second, Mike points out that there is less than 20 gpm coming from the sprinkler head vs. a fireman’s hose that puts out roughly 100 gpm. The facts are on our side – fire sprinklers save lives and property at a very reasonable cost!