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Regarding the Seismic Qualification of Air Compressors for Fire Protection Systems

As the prevalence of code stipulating seismic qualifications and certifications for fire protection equipment increases inside and outside of California, as well as in federal government building specifications, we are increasingly asked about the seismic certification of our air compressors and pumping systems. Here is our response:

Certain nonstructural components are exempt from seismic design requirements. Specifically equipment and components that are considered to be “rugged” do not require special seismic certification. As outlined in section 2.2 of CAN 2-1708A.5 this exempted equipment includes:

–          Motors and motor operators

–          Horizontal and vertical pumps (including vacuum pumps)

–          Air Compressors

For the long form of this information or for a letter from the manufacturer (General Air Products, Inc.) citing code along side this statement for submittal purposes please contact us by calling 800-345-8207 or by email.